Don’t Be Ignernt!

I don’t know about y’all, but I loves me some movies.  Action movies, scary movies, sappy movies, but especially funny movies.  You know those “guy comedies?”  I love them dearly.  Dumb and Dumber, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Spaceballs…all are special to me.

Another thing you should know about me is that I have an uncanny knack for remembering lines from movies, even ones I’ve only seen once or twice.  Sometimes things just stick in my head.  Sometimes they come back out when you least expect them, too.

Luckily for me, my Fireman, my friend Beks, and my younger sister all share this (annoying to some) trait.  In fact, Beks and I bonded over our shared love for quotes from Saturday Night Live in the teacher’s lounge, and the Fireman and I bonded over quotes from Spaceballs.  (He still tells people he almost got down on one knee when I could quote Dark Helmut back to him). 

Then, I made him watch Urban Cowboy with me.  Oh lord, but that movie is a font of hilarious quotes.  Now, every time one of us playfully taps the other, out comes “You hit me!” in Sissy’s whiney, southern drawl.  Or, late at night, sometimes it’s Bud’s explanation of what a man expects from a wife, “his wife to be there when he gets home, a good meal, and to make good love to him…listen, I know that’s always good.”  When it’s hot under the covers, Sissy is back with, “Mama, mah legs’re sweatin’.”  If one of us says something stupid, the other one can say, “don’t be ignernt.”  Usually, once one of these phrases is uttered, it turns into a full-on, goofy southern stereotype fest, and more often than not, I’m laughing so hard that my face and/or stomach hurts.  My Fireman does a great southern accent.

So tell me, pretty please, what are some of your favorite lines from movies, and are we the only people who do this sort of thing?

15 Responses to “Don’t Be Ignernt!”

  1. 1 eviltwinswife June 2, 2009 at 3:31 pm

    The Evil Twin and I do lots of quotes from any and all movies directed by John Waters. Those things are full of comedy gold!

  2. 2 Ms. Moon June 2, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    Mr. Moon and I have many of those. The only one I can think of at the moment though is from Saturday Night Live, I think.
    “Simma down now. Simma down.”
    There’s also a quote from a bio I read of that old lady who was in Titanic. Whenever she was really mad at her husband she would say, “Fuck you, Arthur!” so whenever Mr. Moon is annoying me or I am annoying him, all we have to do is say, “Arthur!”

  3. 3 The Dish June 2, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    The husband, not so much. My friend Click, non stop. One of the many things I love about that woman!

    That sounds like some amazing chemistry there, Chica! Enjoy it!

  4. 4 Ron June 2, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    My sister hung me on a hook once, once! (Johnny Dangerously)
    Ron alunda oul. (modified Caveman Quote)
    Don’t just look at it! Eat it! (LOL, American Psycho)
    He’s a eunich. He’s a eunich! He’s Dead! (Hisory of World)

    So many quotes, so little time.

  5. 5 Hank June 3, 2009 at 8:39 am

    Different friends, different movies. Might be Princess Bride (“Mawwage is a dweam wiffin a dweam…”), might be John Waters (“THE CHILDREN ARE HAVING SEX!”), might be Suburbia (“Have you seen my shirt? HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY SHIRT?”)

    Otherwise, what’s the point of all those good lines going to waste?

  6. 6 Penelope June 3, 2009 at 1:39 pm

    I can quote 70 squillion lines from Steel Magnolias, but you knew that ;o)
    “At least all her tatoos were spelled correctly!” (You should hear my accent when I do that one!)

  7. 7 3carnations June 3, 2009 at 3:48 pm

    “We’re not huggin’ folks” from Grapes of Wrath.

  8. 8 gingermagnolia June 3, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    ETW – Penny Pengleton is permanently punished.

    Ms. Moon – Simma down nah is a regular with my boys. We use a lot of SNL quotes. My sister and I do some of the original ones, too, like from the Judy Miller Show…

    The Dish – Enjoyin’ every second, you better believe it.

    Ron – Johnny Dangerously!!! New York, Chicago, to a girl on her own, it’s all the same.

    Hank – Well, it IS what bwings us togevah today. Except when girls are wearing tight slacks…hysterectomy pants, I call them. (Sorry, I don’t know Suburbia). Thanks for stopping by, come again!

    Penelope – Spoken like a true smartass. 😉

    3Carnations – Aww, I don’t know that movie. I’ve seen it once, I’ve read the book, I promise! Thanks for stopping by, come again!

  9. 9 lola June 3, 2009 at 4:31 pm

    Oh, man, you stole my “spoken like a true smartass.” Bitch!!!

    I’ll think on it now that you stole my thunder, and I’ll get back to you.

  10. 10 gingermagnolia June 3, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    Lola – MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ll be waiting for you, my pet.

  11. 11 jessiee1112 June 4, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    Put the candle BACK.

  12. 12 jessiee1112 June 4, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    oooh, sorry. Young Frankenstein. There are so many good ones in that movie.

  13. 13 vinomom June 6, 2009 at 11:41 pm

    “No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition” – Sliding Doors, but they are using it as a Movie Quote in there from one of those weird English Shows.

    And we use Multiple “Rounders” quotes in this house, especially during Poker.”Don’t splash the Pot”

    If you like those types of movies, have you watched “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” on FX – hysterical. The boys quote that one a lot. I wish I had that talent.

  14. 14 gingermagnolia June 8, 2009 at 12:29 am

    Jessie – I remember watching that movie when I was a kid and rolling with laughter. Maybe I should watch that again. Frahnkenshteeeen.

    Vinomom – YAY a new commenter! I am checking your blog out tomorrow! And you done good, I didn’t know these quotes. 😉 I haven’t ever watched the TV show, but every time I see the commercial, I think it looks good. Arrested Development was amazing, as well.

  15. 15 lola June 8, 2009 at 12:31 am

    Oh, crap, I forgot about this. I didn’t come up with anything, so in honor of my cute little pup sitting in my lap, I’ll say, STELLAAAAA!!!

    Oh, how about, “You start out depressed, everything turns out a pleasant surprise.” One of my all-time favorite movies right there!

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